Waterside Mooring Annual Price Review 2025-2026

Following our annual review of moorings, we have taken the decision this year to apply an increase of 4% to all our mooring contracts from 1st April 2025. The new price for your mooring will be shown on your renewal documents. This year we are also making changes to the payment methods and will no longer be offering an early payment discount for our mooring contracts. Customers can continue to pay by direct debit in advance or by 12 monthly payments at no additional charge.

All profits from Waterside Moorings are returned to the Trust, so that our unique waterway network is repaired and maintained for the enjoyment of all our customers.

Your renewal documents which will be sent to you between 4-6 weeks before the renewal date. Our staff are here to help and can be contacted via your local Moorings Manager or via email at waterside.mooring-enquiries@canalrivertrust.org.uk

Thank you again for choosing Waterside Moorings.